Our Services

Comprehensive Dentistry

Comprehensive dentistry involves the diagnosis and treatment of general conditions affecting the teeth, gums, and jaw. Quality preventive care allows us to diagnose and treat problems early and utilize more conservative treatment plans. Early diagnosis also reduces your risk of needing more extensive– and often expensive –treatment in the future.Through continuous education, proven procedures, and modern materials, we offer practical solutions that thoroughly resolve your dental concerns.

Preventive Care

Preventive care means consistent cleanings and check-ups. In other words, staying on top of your dental care. This includes:

  • Routine cleanings, exams and x-rays

  • Oral cancer screenings

  • Dental sealants and fluoride treatments

  • Custom night guards

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry involves the treatment of dental disease, the alleviation of pain, and the restoration of decay, fractures, and missing teeth. Some common restorative procedures include:

• Tooth-colored dental fillings and crowns
• Endodontics (root canal therapy)
• Dental implant restorations
• Complete & partial dentures

Periodontal Treatments

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults over the age of 35. If your gums feel tender, look red and swollen, or bleed when flossing and brushing, you could be at risk for gum disease. Untreated gum disease has been linked to other serious health problems, so it’s important to keep your gums healthy with proper home care and professional dental cleanings.
Gum disease used to require surgery more often than not. While surgery is still sometimes the best option, we can now treat many cases with less invasive techniques, including local antibiotics, deep cleanings, and medicated rinses.

• Diagnosis of gum disease
• Scaling and root planing (deep cleaning)
• Grafts
• Long-term maintenance plans


Invisalign is an effective and convenient orthodontic treatment (using clear aligner therapy), which can correct misalignment and malocclusion and help prevent dental, periodontal, and TMJ diseases. Free consultations are available to determine if this treatment would be a good option for you.

Therapeutic Botox

Many patients suffer from the effects of clenching and grinding their teeth. If you notice tightness or tension in your facial muscles, or if you have been told that you grind your teeth, botox is a treatment option for you. Our dentists are skilled at administering botox to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ disorder and headaches.